‘New’ Air Malta opens booking line, fails to publish flight schedule

The new national airline failed to publish its flight schedule before opening its booking callcentre at 8am on Monday morning

Customers trying to book flights with the new national airline operated by KM Malta Airlines Limited are facing further unexplained delays and obstacles.

Phone bookings only

On Sunday, the ‘new’ Air Malta announced that a “first phase” for bookings from 31 March 2024 would open on Monday – without an online booking platform.

Contrary to public expectation, it announced that direct bookings with the airline itself would only be possible by telephone and at an airport sales office.

The new airline further claimed that a website and booking platform would be available in a “second phase” from Monday 11 December.

According to the government’s initial announcements in October, ticket sale should have started on 1 December.

Delayed information

KM Malta Airlines Limited also failed to inform customers about its flight schedule when opening its booking line 2135 6000 on Monday at 8am.

On Sunday, the company claimed “Customers can access details of the Summer 2024 flying program of KM Malta Airlines on all social media channels”.

However, no such schedule could be found on the airline’s Facebook page on Monday morning until it was added minutes before 10am.

A basic website containing essential information is still missing.

80-minute wait

Update 10:30 | Bonġu tested the new airline’s callcentre, with an 80-minute wait before we were able to speak to an agent.

When starting our call after 9am, we were 16th in line, which suggests that the booking line is understaffed.

It is operated by Air Malta co-owned Centrecom at Mosta Technopark.